apigee-proxy generator as rest api

Hi ,

can anyone help on to do apigee proxy generator as rest api using below payload or parameters:





some default policies

Thanks ,



0 1 128

@ranganathp08 wrote:

can anyone help on to do apigee proxy generator as rest api

can you elaborate a little on what you mean by "do apigee proxy generator" ? Use a few more words, maybe provide some examples.  Elaborate a little.

In case you are looking for a tool that generates API proxies, I published a repo with an API proxy generator tool, along with some example "API proxy templates", and some example configurations. 

The generator tool accepts as input: 

  • a template for an API proxy - think of this as a pattern for what the API proxy does. The policies, the ordering, etc.
  • a configuration - this is akin to your "payload or parameters".

...and it generates a working API proxy.   See the repo here, and a screencast walkthrough here.

The examples I give in that repo are all BiqQuery targets.  But that's not a requirement of the generator. The generator is a general tool.  The target can be anything.  

In fact the generator contains only a minor amount of magic.  Most of the magic is in the API proxy template.  That is the challenging thing to create. If you have some specific suggestions on other targets and how to templatize them, I'd be glad to add more examples to the repo.