apickli multiple proxy basepaths

How would i proceed to write tests with different base paths? For example I have /persons/v1-{developer}/persons /persons/v1/persons/<id> and /organisations/v1-{developer}/organisation.

I have in my pom.xml <test.domain> for setting the domain and basepath but that would only allow me to test one base path.

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HI @Olof Haglund

The easiest route I can think is to set the basepath in your test config as "/" and then in each of your scenarios within the feature files, set the basepath so that is takes the test.domain and also adds the basepath you set in your scenarios

Hello, thanks, thats how I have changed it for now but I still have problem that developer variable has to be hard coded in.

@Olof Haglund

Since you are using Maven for your build, probably use the Maven replacer plugin to replace the token in the feature file with what ever you pass to the maven command