"Execution of JS-failed with error: Javascript runtime error: \"null\""

Hi Team,
I have added the Javascript for Datadog trace on APIGEE EDGE, While running the JS am getting the below error. 


    "fault": {

        "faultstring": "Execution of JS-Trace-Datadog failed with error: Javascript runtime error: \"null\"",

        "detail": {

            "errorcode": "steps.javascript.ScriptExecutionFailed"




0 2 374

// Set the Datadog API URL here.
// Note: If you are in the Datadog EU site (app.datadoghq.eu), the HTTP log endpoint is http-intake.logs.datadoghq.eu.


// Debug
// print(dd_api_url);
// print('Name of the flow: ' + context.flow);

// calculate response times for client, target and total
var request_start_time = context.getVariable('client.received.start.timestamp');
var request_end_time = context.getVariable('client.received.end.timestamp');
var system_timestamp = context.getVariable('system.timestamp');
var target_start_time = context.getVariable('target.sent.start.timestamp');
var target_end_time = context.getVariable('target.received.end.timestamp');
var total_request_time = system_timestamp - request_start_time;
var total_target_time = target_end_time - target_start_time;
var total_client_time = total_request_time - total_target_time;

var timestamp = crypto.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS');
var organization = context.getVariable("organization.name");
var networkClientIP = context.getVariable("client.ip");
var httpPort = context.getVariable("client.port");
var environment = context.getVariable("environment.name");
var apiProduct = context.getVariable("apiproduct.name");
var apigeeProxyName = context.getVariable("apiproxy.name");
var apigeeProxyRevision = context.getVariable("apiproxy.revision");
var appName = context.getVariable("developer.app.name");
var httpMethod = context.getVariable("request.verb");
var httpUrl = '' + context.getVariable("client.scheme") + '://' + context.getVariable("request.header.host") + context.getVariable("request.uri");
var httpStatusCode = context.getVariable("message.status.code");
var statusResponse = context.getVariable("message.reason.phrase");
var clientLatency = total_client_time;
var targetLatency = total_target_time;
var totalLatency = total_request_time;
var userAgent = context.getVariable('request.header.User-Agent');
var messageContent = context.getVariable('message.content');

// Datadog log attributes
var logObject = {
"timestamp": timestamp,
"organization": organization,
"network.client.ip": networkClientIP,
"env": environment,
"apiProduct": apiProduct,
"apigee_proxy.name": apigeeProxyName,
"apigee_proxy.revision": apigeeProxyRevision,
"service": appName,
"http.method": httpMethod,
"http.url": httpUrl,
"http.status_code": httpStatusCode,
"http.port": httpPort,
"status": statusResponse,
"clientLatency": clientLatency,
"targetLatency": targetLatency,
"totalLatency": totalLatency,
"http.client.start_time_ms": request_start_time,
"http.client.end_time_ms": request_end_time,
"http.useragent": userAgent,
"message": messageContent,

var headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

// Debug
// print('LOGGING OBJECT' + JSON.stringify(logObject));

var myLoggingRequest = new Request(dd_api_url, "POST", headers, JSON.stringify(logObject));

// Send logs to Datadog

Can you please edit the name of your topic to something more meaningful, maybe "Apigee and DataDog integration via JavaScript error"?

  • Can I ask where in your Apigee Edge proxy flow you placed the JavaScript policy, please?
  • Did you check if you are able to assemble the Logging object successfully? Try commenting out the last line and enable the print line. To see the output, select Output from all transactions at the bottom of the Trace window. More details on debugging with print are available here.


// Debug
print('LOGGING OBJECT' + JSON.stringify(logObject));

//var myLoggingRequest = new Request(dd_api_url, "POST", headers, JSON.stringify(logObject));

// Send logs to Datadog


  • As a next step in troubleshooting, try defining a callBack to your httpClient.post call so you can handle the response/exception. The below sample will show you how to do it. You can check the print outputs from the Output from all transactions at the bottom of the Trace window.
    var myLoggingRequest = new Request(dd_api_url, "POST", headers, JSON.stringify(logObject));
    // Define the callback function and process the response from the DataDog API request
    function onComplete(response, error) {
        // Check if the HTTP request was successful
        if (response) {
            print("Return code: ", response.status.code);
            print("Return message: ", response.status.message);
            print("Return content: ", response.content);
        } else {
            context.setVariable('example.error', 'Woops: ' + error);
            print("Return code: ", error.status.code);
            print("Return message: ", error.status.message);
            print("Return content: ", error.content);
    // Send logs to Datadog
    httpClient.send(myLoggingRequest, onComplete);

Hope this helps! Or at least gives you some better insight of what's going on. Good luck!