Will the new *.apigee.net certificate affect me ?

New Member

WHAT: Our *.apigee.net certificate is expiring on Feb 23rd, 2016. We are going to be rolling out the updated certificate to our production servers starting Feb 8th, 2016.

WHO IS AFFECTED: Anyone who uses certificate pinning, certificate fingerprints or imports Apigee certificates into their local trust store will need to update their configuration with the new certificate.

WHAT IF I'M AFFECTED: visit this page for instructions on how to update the certificate http://docs.apigee.com/api-services/content/keystores-and-truststores#updateyourtruststoreforanexpir....

Once the Apigee certificate expires, you will experience SSL issues related to attempting to establish SSL sessions with an expired certificate. This will likely result in errors.

If you have a question related to this change, please respond to this post.

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Hi @Shailendra Baxi,

can you please let me know if you can provide the latest certificates to the free cloud instance orgs? I see my certificate is expired and want to keep the org updated. I can import it into the keystore if you can provide the same to me.



Hi @Anil Sagar,

can you please help clarify my query?



Hi @Shailendra Baxi ,

can you please help clarify my query?

