Will Analysis functions of Apigee Edge and Google Data Studio be merged by development?

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Hallo AnilSagar,

our more friendly developer LarissaFrog was asking me if I could forward this question here.

I hope this is the right place for discussion: Nevertheless thank you helping us in Europe finding answers to our customers:

As Google Data Studio is developed as main product in Google Analytics my question is, how many analysis functions of Apigee Edge will go into Google Data Studio BETA? Thanks for helping us in Europe.

As Google Data Studio was presented e.g. on 7-8 Apr 2017 in Vienna with huge bunch of useful functions - automated io.out was missing - like Apigee Edge is offering.

Do you have an idea or list of what automated io. functions will be growing from Apigee Edge to Google Data Studio?

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Hi, @Otto Bedke. As of the time writing this post, I'm not aware of this integration. However, Apigee provides the capabilities to build custom reports out-of-the-box. I also have seen in the past, an emerging pattern at enterprises leveraging external reporting tool to generate reports about their APIs running on Edge. And the best part, this feature is available now, you don't need to wait for any additional features in the product. In fact, in my team (Edge Nucleus) we use this pattern to aggregate data from multiple sources (including Edge Analytics data) and surface it to other teams through an RDMS. By applying this model, you will enable teams to leverage tools such as Google Data Studio to generate rich data visualizations from data traffic flowing through Edge.

To implement this, you can use the following recipe:

  1. Export Analytics Data by leveraging either Edge Analytics API or Apigee Analytics Collector.
  2. Import Analytics Data into Big Query or GCP Cloud SQL (MySQL, Postgres)
  3. Whitelist Google Data Studio, so it can connect to your database.
  4. Later, rinse, repeat by automating steps above with a data pipeline (this can be implemented with something like cron jobs, Airflow, Dataflow, etc.)

If you have any questions about integration, let us know through this channel.

Good luck!