Why is my Service Callout policy sometimes throwing unchecked exception "Reason: End of stream"?

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I am running tests against an api with npm test. Sometimes when I run the full suite of tests, one of the service callouts fail with "Reason: End of stream" although I can see part of the response in the trace. The flow terminates with an unchecked exception and the test receives an error 500 response.

The downstream system continues to run with no issues and no errors in its log file. If I reduce the number of tests, the call succeeds.

Have anyone seen this before?

We are running a private cloud (SAP branded) version

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So far it sounds like your backend aka downstream system cannot cope with a load of your test.

"Reason: End of stream" hints that it might be a .NET application and deserialization operation involved? Is it?

No, actually it is an Apache Camel-based Spring Boot application and the "load" doesn't even deserve to be called that.

I've managed to reproduce the issue with a curl command, so I've removed Apigee from the equation. Thanks for the quick response.