Why companies are not interested to use Drupal developer portal?

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Hi all,

I am asking a question which I have noticed in many companies, but still finding some answers for some queries in my mind.

I did notice in many companies the Developers portal is being developed by their application teams using Java or any programming language which is totally different in veiw and things. They are not interested to use Apigee Developer portal. Even in some talks I found companies don't want to use Drupal, even version 8 also.

Can anyone answer me why it is show? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both scenarios?

This call would be taken by Architects, so want to understand to take a simillar decision.

Your help is appreciated.


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We do have a comparison of features between the Drupal developer portal and the Apigee integrated portal, in case you are thinking about those options.

this is comparison between integrated and drupal. I am asking some are using on build developer portal without using these two.

Why so?

Would it be due to security concerns of Drupal ?

I do know of a few companies that use a custom solution instead of our Integrated or Drupal developer portal, but not many, sounds like you have heard of more companies than I have. Some companies have a development team that already know Java or another language so they want to use those same technologies. Remember that the development and maintenance costs can be extremely high if you create your own portal, and if you have a separate team writing documentation you need to think of how you can allow someone to log in and edit content, or else the development team will need to be involved with all content changes. If you are using Drupal many customizations can be done by configuring a module instead, and content can be created by other teams, one of the benefits of using a CMS.

The lowest cost is the Integrated Apigee developer portal, then Drupal devportal, and then a custom portal, so it seems that most customers look for solutions using the low cost option, and only when they determine needs are not met, they look at the next costlier option. From what I have seen (not having any actual data) is that Apigee integrated portals are used a lot since they are so simple to get up and running (and maintain), and most other customers looking for a solution with more features that cannot be met use the Drupal developer portals. A small amount of customers are building their own portal or doing an integration with a portal they already have since this is the most expensive option to create and maintain.

As for security concerns, this info may help: https://www.drupal.org/documentation/is-drupal-secure

As you may be aware, Google offers three options for an Apigee developer portal. 1) customer can use Drupal portal. 2) customer can use the integrated portal. 3) customer can build their own developer portal.

Your question essentially asks why many customers don't use the Drupal portal and there are a few reasons why:

First, not all customers need the powerful capabilities available in the Drupal portal. For many customers, the integrated portal can be much faster to build their portal and provides sufficient functionality for them.

Second, some customers don't want to invest in Drupal development skills as you need to know how to do Drupal development to build on top of the Drupal portal. If a company doesn't have Drupal developers on staff, then they need to contract that work out. It's an additional expense that a customer may not want\need.

Third, some customers really want to build their own developer portal from the ground up using whatever technologies they currently use in-house. For these customers, the benefits of leveraging a stack familiar to their teams outweighs the benefit of having a framework to leverage.

To be clear, there are a LOT of customers using the Drupal portal in production and more come online every year.

Hope this helps and please let us know if any further questions!