What use cases benefit from multiple "organizations"

I've read about "organizations" and learned they are the logical container of products, proxies, users, etc. I'm trying to understand why multiple organizations would ever exist. If anyone uses multiple organizations, could you explain why you chose that decision.

The Apigee docs mention "multi-tenancy" as a reason for a new organization, however, one could use virtual hosts and multiple proxies to provide multi-tenant behavior. And I understand that a user could have a role in organization A and no role in organization B. However, the same behavior could be done in a single organization, where the user can access some proxies/products, but not all.

By the way, I read this question (https://community.apigee.com/questions/43419/benefits-of-multiple-organisations-in-edge.html), but its answers weren't helpful. The answers just gave a definition of what an organization is, but not use cases would benefit from multiple organizations.

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By the way, I read this question (https://community.apigee.com/questions/43419/benefits-of-multiple-organisations-in-edge.html) and it's answers didn't really help. The answers basically just defined what an "organization" is.

The main benefit is the separation of concerns. Apigee users (API Developers, DevOps, Business Users, etc) are associated at the organisation level. So, if you don't want every developer to have access to your production environment, a very easy way to enforce this is to have different organisations for non-production and production.

This is in fact a pattern we encourage customers to adopt

Thanks for your answer.

If production and non-production organizations exist, would there be any need to have environments "prod" and "test" ?

You still need environments on every organisation. A very common practice is to align environments to your SDLC stages. Eg: dev, test, sit, qa, preprod, prod. You'd then decide which environments would go where. Some customers will only have prod env in their "prod" organisation. Others, will also have a "sandbox" environment there. Others, will also have "preprod", it really comes down to your SDLC and governance.

Thanks Debora. This is very helpful.

Can we have multiple orgs in a single on-prem apigee installation ?

I tried that, but it caused api calls to my old org to fail. But when i deleted the new org, api calls to old org started working again. Any reason why ?


Not applicable

Yes, you can have multiple organizations. You need to check why the traffic is failing in the nginx logs. And the config file for organisation creation should have proper information. I have created many organisations, never faced the issue you have faced.