What is the maximum allowed size of the Response Payload allowed at Apigee end.

New Member

I want to send files of size 5 MB, 25 MB and 50 MB.Based on client's request I can think two ways to do it. 1) Can I store them at Apigee level. 2) I store them at AWS S3 and send it as response whenever asked. But what max response payload size is allowed at Apigee end

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Hi @rovyas

There are two scenarios, if you want to use an Apigee proxy to modify the payload in some way then the short answer is 10MB in our Edge cloud or 3MB in our Edge Private Cloud. Alternatively, you can use a streaming policy which will allow very large payloads.

The following sources will help answer your questions:

- Message Payload Size in Apigee Docs

- Streaming Requests and Responses in Apigee Docs

- Related question in Apigee Community

New Member

Hello @mschreuder Since I had to send a response of size greater than 10 MB I had to enable response streaming on both proxy and target end. I already have a policy in Proxy Pre-Flow where I am transforming my request payload. So will enabling of response streaming effect my existing policy at proxy end

@rovyas - when streaming is enabled, policies will not have access to request and/or response body contents. But as you have enabled it only for response (not request), you should be able to transform request body contents.