What is the best approach: outer condition in proxy flow or Identifier inside Quota policy?

What is the best approach for choosing which Quota Policy will be executed: using identifier inside QP or using Condition in proxy flow?
I have Shared Flow with some amount of QP.  I've made PoC for both of these approaches and looks like every approach works correct. Is there any pitfalls that should be taken into account? Or maybe there is some reason(s) for choosing a certain approach?

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Either way works.  It's up to you.  Which is simpler to maintain? 


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Either way works.  It's up to you.  Which is simpler to maintain? 


@dchiesa1  Thanks for the answer!
I think the using identifier is easier because of big amount of quota rules (about 400). So if I use outer Conditions in proxy flow there would be too much manual work with adding Quota Policies and Conditions. On the other hand, if I use Identifiers I only have to update the KVM with my rules. 
Am I right in my thinking?

Yes, I think about it the same way as you do.