What is access type on apps?

Not applicable

What is the purpose of this property and what are the possible values of it?

0 3 241

@Dezső BICZÓ , can you add more context ? Where exactly have you seen it ?


I do not think that this property can be found in any app related API responses anymore.

As per https://docs.apigee.com/management/apis/get/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/developers/%7Bdeveloper_ema...

"Get Developer App Details
Get the profile of a specific developer app. All times in the response are UNIX times.

Note that the response contains a top-level attribute named accessType that is no longer used by Apigee."

It was ported from a previous version for backward compatibility. As of now "accessType" is an entity that takes any String input. It is not used for any purpose.
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