What data persists in postgress of apigee setup?

Queries: What kind of data persists in postgress of apigee setup? What are different tables present in it? Since our requests comes with username/password in the http header, In one of our case username consists of company id, does this information stores in postgress as we have policy to retrieve the username(companyid)? Also we would be having the policies for OAUTH token fetching and configuring, moreover we get the secret key of the OAUTH in the HTTP requests, so does this keys and tokens gets persists in postgress? Or in cassandra? Bottom line: Any customer data persists in Postgress?

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What kind of data persists in postgress of apigee setup?

data captured for analytics is stored in postgres,

more info here - http://apigee.com/docs/analytics-services/content/analytics-services-overview#whatkindofdataiscollec...

and here - http://apigee.com/docs/analytics-services/reference/analytics-reference

What are different tables present in it?

Its internal, you should work with APIs to access the data

In one of our case username consists of company id, does this information stores in postgress as we have policy to retrieve the username(companyid)?

it is not captured by default, unless you add it to analytics using StatisticsCollector policy.

so does this keys and tokens gets persists in postgress? Or in cassandra?

depends on who is the oauth/key provider. If Apigee, all tokens ,keys are persisted in cassandra, if you are using external provider, then its not.

Bottom line: Any customer data persists in Postgress?

No customer data in postgres, unless you explicitly add them using Statistics collector policy. http://apigee.com/docs/api-services/reference/statistics-collector-policy
