What are best practices for App credentials management and distribution?

As an API Platform owner (Apigee customer / API Provider), I want to create a strategy for API key / secret management and distribution so I can support the following types of App development use cases:

  1. Direct API consumer - Traditional App developer creates Apps as per the Apigee standard model (e.g. App developer registers, requests API products and receives keys).
  2. Indirect API consumer - App development partner (vendor) creates Apps on behalf of an API consumer (e.g. mom-n-pop shop) and either hosts the App or distributes via CD or download.

Use case 1 is the traditional Edge model, but use case 2 gets a bit more interesting. Here are some questions for consideration:

  • Does the vendor create a single App with a single set of credentials and differential indirect consumers in some other way?
  • Does the vendor create a single App, with multiple credentials, one for each in indirect consumer?
  • Does the vendor create multiple Apps, one for each indirect consumer?
  • If the App is hosted, does the indirect consumer enter their own App credentials?
  • If the App is distributed, does the vendor distribute the keys to the indirect consumer to be configured upon installation?
  • What are the implications for the Dev Portal and analytics?

Does Apigee have a recommended best practice?

What have others done?

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