Want to convert variable resquest.content from query string to JSON


I am using an API endpoint to serve as a flow hook, to receive back status.

The only problem is the request.content is coming back as query string and I need it as a JSON string.

How can I convert the variable request.content and convert it into JSON?

For an example, I want to convert the following, into what's below:

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2",
  "key3": "value3"

0 5 1,617

A simple Javascript function should do the trick. See an example here: http://www.developerdrive.com/2013/08/turning-the-querystring-into-a-json-object-using-javascript/

Solved this using the JavaScript below:

var jsonOutput = '';
var queryStringPairs = context.getVariable("request.content").split("&");
queryStringPairs.forEach(function(nameValuePair) {
  var nameAndValue = nameValuePair.split('=');
      xmlOutput += '"' + nameAndValue[0] + '"' + ':' + '"' + nameAndValue[1] + '"' + ',';
jsonOutput = '{' + jsonOutput.substr(0, jsonOutput.length -1) + '}';
context.setVariable('request.content', jsonOutput);

just replace xmlOutput with jsonOutput and it will work.

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This allows you to then access the values of the query string using the array accessor syntax.

var value = querystring_array['key']; <br>

Still a little clumsy isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just retrieve the value from a normal JavaScript/JSON object?
var value = querystring.key;