VerifyApiKey policy doesn't respect changes to the app custom attributes


The case I am currently dealing with is when I change custom attributes of an app, I see that while tracing "VerifyAPIKey" retrieves old values. This seems a bug on apigee to me but if it is not how can I fix this?


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How "old" is old? Please provide further details in what you tried and what you observed.

How much time elapsed between your change of the custom attrs via  the administrative API or UI, and the time you tried to retrieve these custom attrs at runtime via VerifyAPIKey ?   If you waited 10 seconds, I would expect that you'd see the "old values". VerifyAPIKey will cache data in the MP. After the cache expires (I believe it is 180s TTL) , VerifyAPIKey will read again from persistent store, and you will see the "new values".  

ps: in your profile photo, are you wearing a cat on your head?

Thanks for the reply and detailed questions. By "Old" i mean older than the times you mentioned in TTL. Even after couple of days i still see the same values in the custom attributes that we have for our app. below i attached the keys that we use, maybe they are somehow internal and we shouldn't use keys with "limit_" prefix, i don't know. The steps to reproduce this as following:

  • i update the custom attributes limit_start and limit_end in the apigee UI
  • i also update Notes field in the app description
  • i wait for 5 minutes and call the endpoint
  • in tracing window i still see the previous values in limit_start, limit_end and Notes fields.



and yeah, that is my cat she always 2 centimeters far from me, never leaves me alone xD

Which version of Apigee?  Edge? X? hybrid? 

Specifically how are you attaching the attributes?  They can be attached to

  • a developer
  • an app
  • an operation
  • a product

I put together this quick screencast showing how it works for me. If you're not seeing similar results, then...  I suggest you contact Apigee support!