Using flow variables in the Path of LocalTargetConnection of a Target Endpoint

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I'm trying to implement a local proxy-chaining mechanism between my Proxy API's. To do so I wrote a JS policy that resolves the new path and sets it to a new variable:


then I set a RouteRule in the proxy's request pre-flow:

    <RouteRule name="re-route">
        <Condition> is true</Condition>

and my Target endpoint is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TargetEndpoint name="re-route">
    <PreFlow name="PreFlow">
    <PostFlow name="PostFlow">

The thing is, when I try to use routePath variable inside the LocalTargetConnection's Path I get a deployment error from Apigee.

Why can't Apigee evaluate my variable and re-route the request accordingly? Am I missing something?

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It depends on where you have kept javascript policy and from where you try to access them.

As per the document when we try to access a variable which is out of scope, we shouldn't get deployment error.

It's important to note that if you try to access a flow variable that is out of scope, you will receive a NULL value. If you try to set a flow variable before it is in scope, the proxy does nothing; it does not generate an error and does not set the variable.

However you can use assign variable to solve the same thing .

<AssignMessage name="Assign-Message-1">

Hope this answer helps

Hi @RoyVaknin, did you ever get around this issue, I am facing it right now!