Upload Spec through the Apigee Management API

As part of our company workflow for automating APIs onto the Apigee platform, it would be extremely ideal to allow an endpoint to upload/update specs in Apigee.

Because there is no endpoint, we either need to use https://apigee.com/dapi/api/organizations/tr-api-cloud-qa/specs/doc which feels dirty or have our developers manually upload them, which prevents us from fully automating the process to deploy and update proxies within Apigee.

What is the roadmap for allowing this through the Apigee managment API?

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Currently we're looking at exposing these in 2020H1 to better support CI/CD workflows like yours.

Hi there,

Is there any update on this functionality?



Not applicable

The spec functionality is part of SAAS. This is not available in OPDK. So, I also don't see any management api call. Apigee support may help you with SAAS use.