Updating OpenAPI Specs *and* Portal configurations from CLI as part of our CI/CD process

I've seen a few threads about integrating elements of Apigee Edge into CI/CD processes but they're either several years old or not entirely clear to me.

So, I'm hoping someone can provide some guidance on this perhaps with more recent/relevant tooling than what we've found.

At a high-level, we're trying our best to automate the deployment of all aspects of our API development such that when we commit code for our proxy and/or OpenAPI specs, our CI process will kick-off and, assuming everything looks good, will then deploy those elements out to Edge.

We've currently got this working for our API Proxy definitions and our API Products using the node-based "apigeetool" module. We make a change to those definitions, commit code and CircleCI kicks off a build that eventually invokes apigeetool. Awesome.

What we can't seem to figure out are the following items:

- Is there some way that we can publish our OpenAPI spec (managed in the same git repo as our proxy config/code) into Apigee Edge via some command-line tool?

- We'd also like to know if there's a way to create/update an API Portal as part of this process. This is particularly important because we'll be updating the API Product whenever we commit code and we want to make sure that the Portal is configured to use the latest API Product (as a side note, this does *not* appear to happen automatically. For a test, we updated our API Product's description, updated it using apigeetool, confirmed that the updated description shows up under "API Products" but it does *not* show the updated description on the API Portal

- And lastly, if there is some way to update the spec from the command line, is there also a way to "refresh" any API Portals that reference that spec such that the documentation in those Portals is automatically updated? We did notice that if you update a spec from the admin UI, the Portal admin will inform you that the spec needs to be refreshed but it doesn't automatically do this. Would be great if we can trigger this somehow

Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.


- Terence

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@Terence McDevitt, Are you using the integrated devportal or the Drupal based devportal?

For the Drupal based on you can use the maven smartdocs plugin to publish and render the docs including updates to existing specs

Integrated dev portal.

This is still a good question.