Update entries in KVM as part of migration

Hello ,

we are migrating our APIs from onprem to cloud and before deploying our proxies we need to create the KVMs in the new environments. What will be best way to do it? Is using APIGEE API the best way for our scenario?

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# Create a new KVM Map

:kvm = newmap

POST :apigee/v1/organizations/:org/environments/:env/keyvaluemaps
Authorization: Bearer :token
Content-Type: application/json

"name": ":kvm",
"encrypted": true

##  POST new entry for one keyvaluemap

:kvm = newmap

POST :apigee/v1/organizations/:org/environments/:env/keyvaluemaps/:kvm/entries
Authorization: Bearer :token
Content-Type: application/json

{"name":"entry1", "value":"entry1-Value"}

In a generic case, @dchiesa1 's answer is a good starting point.

In specific situations, the answer might be more nuanced. You might have encrypted KVM values in your OPDK runtime environment that you want to extract and migrate. There could be many KVMs and entries where some automation and scripting could make it more cost-effective than building those tools from scratch. In those cases, the following utility warrants some learning to jump start your experience.


See this community article for detailed user guide of the amu utility:



Keep in mind that tooling-wise for KVM manipulation, OPDK/Edge users usually use maven plugins and apigeetool@nodejs. For X/Hybrid, your choices are maven plugin or sackmesser or apigeecli. For some edge cases when you invested into apigeetool/based scripts, the CLI-compatible version of apigeetool for X/Hybrid might be a good fit.



