Unique Identifier for business Logic at Backend

Hi All,

I have a requirement to send unique identifier of the developer in request to backend. Since I will be doing credential rotation(request new credentials) and also to provide the facility to update email id of the developer.

On the verify api key doc it is recommended not to use app.id or developer.id as they can change.

Please suggest.

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Not applicable

You can use client id mapped to a developer and send the same to backend. You need to maintain many clientids for one developer but not the vice versa.

It's true that the developer.id is documented as possibly changing.

If I were doing this, I would associate a new, novel unchanging ID to the developer or app, via a custom attribute.

You'd need to do that via the management APIs. Basically just attach a custom attribute called "unique_id" or something like that, and for the value you can use any guid or sufficiently-long random string.

At runtime when VerifyAPIKey is successful, you will get a context variable containing the value of the unique_id.