Unable to view logs in loggly using message policy

Hi Members,

I am trying to log the data in loggly. So here are the steps followed. 

1. Created an account in loggly

2. Using loggly 29 days free trial account

3. Once account created, customer token is captured. 

4. Message policy is written as below and attached to the proxy pre flow

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<MessageLogging continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="ML-Logging-Loggly">
    <Message>[1694919d-6c9e-************19@41058 tag="{organization.name}.{apiproxy.name}.{environment.name}"] test</Message>
5. After sending message I get 200 OK from APIGEE but when I am trying to check logs in loggly I dont see anything logged. Attached the screenshot for your reference
What could be I am doing wrong ?
Kind Regards
0 3 115

You can try couple of options to investigate further:

1. Try the non-secure port 514 to Loggly.
2. Try ServiceCallout policy to post the message as given in this link 


Where did you place message logging policy?

Sometimes it helps to run a packet captures(using tcpdump) to see from source apigee to destination loggly how the traffic is sent & any possibilities of firewall or any other reason why it is not ingesting the data.



Hi @API-Evangelist @ganadurai 

I was using wrong hostname to send the message. The links for the loggly API documentation helped me to solve the problem. Many thanks

Kind Regards
