Unable to get local issuer certificate

I am trying to use the Migration tool... I am getting the error in the subject.

Is there a command where we can temporarily disable the certificate. I thought there was a git command that would do it.

I'm running grunt exportAll -v

I tried first running git config --global http.sslVerify false

How can I get past this error....

0 5 719

Hi @Michael Davidson

Hmmm, that's strange, that error is typically associated with a server mis-configuration.

apigee-migrate-tool just uses the "request" module to make Edge API (https) calls to Apigee.

Are you able to make curl requests to Edge APIs?

curl -n https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/o/YOUR_ORG

Are you using an on-prem installation? What is your config.js URL?

If you provide a bit more detail I may be able to help.

Sorry, got distracted by a triple-bypass last week. I saw your reply, and that day or the next, I had a heart attack.

Amazing enough, today I tried it again... It worked.

Thank you very much for the help.

Whoa! You won Apigee Community for the day!

Wow! Hope that wasn't the cause, glad you recovered!

wish you are healthy now.