Unable to deploy proxy with a schema validation error by apigeetool

New Member

I am planning to use apigeetool to deploy proxy.

When I use apigeetool as a commad line or a sdk in my script, it failed with the error message below.

How can I get the detail of what type of schema validation are the apigeetool dealing?

(I successed to delopy the proxy by api-platform-tools, the tools written in python)

The command I runned:

apigeetool deployproxy -V -u "username" -p "password" -o "organization" -e "enviroment" -n "api-proxy-name" -d .

Error message:

Deployment result: "{\n  \"code\" : \"rest.SchemaValidationFailure\",\n  \"message\" : \"Schema validation failed. Cause : unexpected element (uri:\\\"\\\", local:\\\"Condition\\\"). Expected elements are <{}Policy>,<{}Step>. Line number : 60. Column number : 17. File name : NA.\",\n  \"contexts\" : [ ]\n}"
Error: Schema validation failed. Cause : unexpected element (uri:"", local:"Condition"). Expected elements are <{}Policy>,<{}Step>. Line number : 60. Column number : 17. File name : NA.
    at Request._callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/apigeetool/lib/commands/deployproxy.js:619:22)
    at Request.self.callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/apigeetool/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
    at Request.emit (events.js:209:13)
    at Request.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/apigeetool/node_modules/request/request.js:1154:10)
    at Request.emit (events.js:209:13)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/apigeetool/node_modules/request/request.js:1076:12)
    at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:297:20)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:214:15)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1178:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:77:11)
0 2 243

And what is happening on and around line 60 of your proxy endpoint file?

can you show that?

Thanks for your reply. I got the reason that when I set a condition tag inside a request tag of flow, it failed. If I move the condition tag into a step tag, everything be ok.

I know the condition tag should be set into the right position, but when I configure it as the same way by apigee console, there was not any error appear.

And from the error message, I can not tell that is a error of proxy endpoint. How can I identify where does the error come from?