Unable to create developer portal administrator drush

Not applicable

I am trying to create Developer Portal administrator on private cloud using 4.16.05

Following steps are being followed:

  • CD to your drupal_root/sites/default directory. The standard location for the Drupal root directory is /var/www/html:  
      cd <drupal_root>/sites/default
  • Ensure that you have write permissions on the private Drupal files:
      drush vget file_private_path

    This command returns the path to the private Drupal files, for example:

          file_private_path: 'sites/default/private'

    Corresponding to /var/www/html/sites/default/private/. Use the following command to ensure that this directory is writable by the owner and the group:

          chmod -R g+w dirPathAndName 
          chmod -R o+r dirPathAndName
  •  Enter the following commands to create an admin user, replacing the commands in “< >” with your values:
    drush user-create <username> --mail="<email-address>" -password="<password>"
      drush user-add-role Administrator <username>

Now on running the last command, I am getting the following error:

Starting Drush preflight. [0.01 sec, 2.09 MB] [preflight]
Cache HIT cid: 7.1.0-commandfiles-0-fc1cd62fa8fc4a79c6471dedc94a852f [0.01 sec, 2.15 MB] [debug]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [0.08 sec, 6.08 MB] [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 6. [0.08 sec, 6.09 MB] [bootstrap]
Command user-create needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run this command. [0.08 sec, 6.09 MB] [error]
The drush command 'user-create foo@foobar.com' could not be executed. [0.08 sec, 6.09 MB] [error]

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New Member

You will need to have logged into the website part of Drupal and go thru the installation process that sets up the database first, before you can run drush commands like this.