Unable TO download apigee version 4.16

Not applicable

Hi ,

We are trying to upgrade to from apigee 14.15. xx to 14.16. but i am unable to access the apigee site https://software.apigee.com/bootstrap.sh using existing ftp credentials as said on apigee docs.

but i am getting following error :-

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>401 Authorization Required</title> </head><body> <h1>Authorization Required</h1> <p>This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.</p> </body></html>

i am able access the ftp site but unable to access this URL

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@arunpatcha are you trying to access the above URL from browser? Unlike the previous versions of OPDk where you could just browse to FTP site and download the software you cannot do that anymore. You have to download the software via curl/wget command as described in the doc.

I am using CURL to access it

I am using CURL to access it from my instance

@arunpatcha - if the issue is still not resolved, please open a support ticket and we will resolve the same. Please include the credentials you are using for download of the bootstrap script in the ticket information (just the login should do).

@arunpatcha you should open a ticket. Several of the accounts needed some extra setup...