Trying to match on an inbound path pattern, not working?

Unable to bring status 404 for Raising a Fault if I enter an alphanumeric ID.

Take an Example:-

ID =c43c1e3f-94a8-49a8-98ba-af497f0be488

Lets say this is my API:


Now coming to the design of my Raise Fault Policy:

<RaiseFault name="Raise-Fault-InvalidID">
  <DisplayName>Raise Fault-InvalidID</DisplayName>
        <Header name="Content-Type">application/json</Header>
      <Payload contentType="application/json">
        { "errors":[
        "code": "404",
        "userMessage": "This ID had never existed in the server",
        "systemMessage": "Not Found" }
      <ReasonPhrase>Not Found</ReasonPhrase>

And this is how i write my condition on the flow of GetSampleTicketAPI:-

  <Flow name="GetSampleTicket">
    <Condition>(proxy.pathsuffix MatchesPath "/v3/SampleTicket/{ticketNumber") and (request.verb = "GET")

Please assist me where I could go wrong.I have highlighted some conditional flow statement.

It doesn't work for 404.


0 1 68

I have some feedback and suggestions.

1. The MatchesPath operator takes a path expression.

This is not a valid path expression:


I think maybe what you want to do there is extract the path segment and place it into a context variable "ticketNumber". That would be neat and handy, but that's not how Apigee Conditions work.

You need a Condition expression like this:

(proxy.pathsuffix MatchesPath "/v3/SampleTicket/*") and (request.verb = "GET")

Check the documentation for MatchesPath for more information and examples.

2. To get the actual value of the path segment, you need to use ExtractVariables policy.

<ExtractVariables name='EV-ExtractTicket'>
   <DisplayName>Extract a portion of the url path</DisplayName>
      <!-- the extracted value into -->
      <Pattern ignoreCase='true'>/v3/SampleTicket/{ticketNumber}</Pattern>

This will give you a context variable "extracted.ticketNumber". The policy must be placed in the request element of your flow.

  <Flow name="GetSampleTicket">

3. Your Condition elements must use quoted strings. This is invalid:


If you use the ExtractVariables policy I showed above, your condition should be like this:


4. I think it's a bit odd that you are special-casing a single ticket number within the API Proxy. But that's just my opinion.

Summing up, your flow should look like this:

  <Flow name="GetSampleTicket">
    <Condition>(proxy.pathsuffix MatchesPath "/v3/SampleTicket/*") and (request.verb = "GET")

Good luck!