The concept of environment groups in hybrid

I'm a little confused about the existence of Environment Groups when it comes to apigee hybrid. It seems like groups are a way to tie hostnames to an environment, which is already done in the hybrid config, so I think it's unnecessary, but the section still shows up in the ui with the scary warning:

Environments not assigned to groups have no hostnames pointing to them, and therefore they are not accessible.

I think this is just because hybrid is sharing the cloud ui but I wanted to double check that they are unnecessary to configure. I don't even see a section in hybrid (the environment configuration section) that mentions groups.

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Technically, environment groups is the concept of Hybrid 1.3.

Right now 1.2 is current version and 1.3 is in the process of becoming released as GA.

I can only assume that you see the ghost artefacts of the next version at the Control Plane.

Let me ask around...