TPS formula

Looking for information on how to calculate TPS. Which fields are used as numerator/denominator. Thank you!

0 3 389

TPS = Transactions Per Second

Numerator = transactions

Denominator = seconds


Do you know which metric(s) are used to calculate time? Would it be 'total_response_time' or 'target_response_time'? Looking for a way to sum the time for denominator. 

Can you take a step back please?  It sounds like you want to implement something within your API proxies in Apigee, to calculate TPS.  But Apigee analytics does this for you. You can extract the results of those calculations via UI or via API. 

So what problem are you really solving?  You want to calculate TPS. WHY?  To what purpose?  and WHERE?  A single proxy cannot calculate its own TPS.  It needs persistent state to do so. 

If you aim to do the calculation on the client (caller) side , for the purposes of a performance benchmark, then you can use tools that do this for you.  For example fortio, wrk2, gatling. See this community article for lots more information and context.