Suggestions needed on Setting target host dynamically and Incoming request record-replay

Hello All,

Could you suggest ideas to achive these conditions

1) I need to decide which target service based on a KVM value.



            <Server name="WEB-INV-SVC"> <---- Need to switch servers based on KVM value
        <Path>/{TargetPathSuffix}</Path> <--- TargetPathSuffix set with JS


I tried setup 2 targetEndpoints with different servers and trying to set a js flag variable with which I expect to use condtional routerule. But not sure if I can use JS variable in confition. never seen one.


<RouteRule name="Route-WEB1">
        <Condition>(JS_variable equals "TRUE") </Condition> <---- JS_variable assigned value based on KVM value
<RouteRule name="Route-default">


I know with JS we can set target URL.but this servers need to be updated often, so I'm looking for any other options.

2) Any options to record/replay incoming requests with internal/external storage? (not trace, this is not for debugging/but a failsafe option )

Please give your suggestions/feedbacks or even different approches

Thank you

Solved Solved
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I figured it out with flow variables we can do it

I used a KVM/JS/AM poilicies for this.
get value from KVM/business login in JS/AM to assign value from JS flow variable which can be referenced in condition

View solution in original post


I figured it out with flow variables we can do it

I used a KVM/JS/AM poilicies for this.
get value from KVM/business login in JS/AM to assign value from JS flow variable which can be referenced in condition