Strange error

Not applicable

calling API got error mrssage like that:

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Missing API proxy for Organization:DeploymentIdentifier{ org=c-map, env=prod, app=VADs-Online, rev=7, proxy=VADs, virtualHost=SSLNavico};Environment:{2};VirtualHost:{3};Application:{4};Revision:{5};APIProxy:{6}","detail":{"errorcode":"messaging.runtime.InternalClassificationError"}}}

0 2 656

Not applicable

This somehow depends on load: with single request there are chances that it will pass through but with multiple (e.g. via JMeter or even simply pressing Refresh in browser) some of them fail with that message.

Not applicable

Solved by editing name of the proxy (changed to be equal to "VADs" that was legacy name but still referenced in the error message above... apparently there is some cache or something which was trying to use legacy name - better stick to it).