Stop the Apigee hybrid components -Cassandra password reset

As per details for cassandra password reset

Lists following

  • Once Cassandra passwords are updated in the Cassandra database, Apigee MART, runtime and Synchronizer will not be able to connect to Cassandra until the passwords are updated in the relevant Kubernetes secrets and pods are restarted.
  • Therefore, this process would require a downtime.

Means that once the cassandra data base and kubernetes secret password are changed then listed process requires  stop and start of Apigee MART, Message processor (referred as runtime above?) and Synchronizer.

Do we have any commands for same which we can use it ? or a script?

@dino   @rajeshmi @imesh 


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To restart the pods, delete the pods?

And yes, the runtime pods are effectively the message processors.

@dknezic  Manually deleting of pods which comes by default in prod is best practice?