Static code analysis(apigeelint) node version dependency

Does apigeelint module have any dependency on node version? It is working only if I use node version 7.8.0 and npm 4.2.0.
Ive tried using node v6.11.1 and node v8.9.4 but it did not work

0 5 408

Ive tried using node v6.11.1 and node v8.9.4 but it did not work

following is the error


Yes, apigeelint does have a dependency, it works for me using 6.11.5, I haven't tried others.

HI @venkatasaik

This problem has been fixed in apigeelint version 0.2.5. You can use is with node 6,7 or 8 right now.

Please about your package and let us know if you have any questions.



Great! Thanks for the update