Starting this morning, 500 errors when deploying proxies via apigeetool

Hey there,

Starting this morning, we're unable to deploy proxies via the apigeetool as we've successfully been doing for the last month or two.

When we deploy, we simply get a 500 response from Apigee with no details. We see the same in the "audit logs" section in the Apigee admin.

We've got several proxies and this is happening with all of them even though the proxy definitions haven't changed.

I tried to upload one of the proxies (it's a node app) via the admin. The upload worked, however, none of our node modules were installed so the proxy is in a bad state.

Apigee service status page doesn't show an issues at all.

Any thoughts on what might be going on? Unfortunately, we're now dead in the water for development.

One other thing - we tried deploying one of these proxies with a new name and into another environment and that didn't work either.

Any help would be much appreciated.

- Terence

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Sorry, I should add - the apigeetool reports back with "Error uploading resource". Not sure if that's actually the response from the server or if that's coming from the tool itself.

Is this in apigee edge cloud or on-prem setup?

Additionally try using the --debug option of the apigeetool to get additional information on the error

Sorry, this is Apigee Edge Cloud (in both a sandbox and enterprise organization)