Smartdocs Methods not displaying correctly on Pantheon site (fine on local)

On our Pantheon development site for our devportal, Smartdocs methods are not displayed correctly. The verb, security, and resource path aren't displayed per something like 'GET' and '/pets' but instead are displayed as [verb], [security], and [resource_path] (see screenshot). This is true throughout the site - on the default home page API list block, on the view that lists all of the related smartdocs methods, and on individual smartdoc method nodes. On the individual method nodes, pretty much nothing is displayed - see these screenshots:

Home page block:


View displaying related methods


Individual method node


This is using the standard petstore spec. On my local environment this is not an issue - models can be created, specs uploaded, and the methods rendered and published without an issue. Everything displays as expected. Besides the fact that one environment is on my local and the other is up on Pantheon, there should be no difference between these sites.

On the Pantheon site if I look in the console on the method node I see an error that I don't see locally:


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined at Apigee.APIModel.Methods.init (model.js?pc3ewq:456) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (controller.js?pc3ewq:31) at j (jquery.js:3099) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:3211) at Function.ready (jquery.js:3417) at HTMLDocument.I (jquery.js:3433)

Additionally I see a number of warnings and notices in the logs on Pantheon, as well as an error from Edge (I have Devportal debugging turned on).

I don't see any of these warnings or notices being logged on my local, and none of the debug logs from Edge are a 404.

GET /v1/o/kristinbrinnerihs-eval/apimodels/revisions/resources/methods/doc?template=devportal-drupal-cms HTTP/1.1
accept: text/html
User-Agent: devconnect/7.x-4.33 Guzzle/3.9.3 curl/7.40.0 PHP/5.6.36
Authorization: Basic [**masked**]
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 02:58:54 GMT
Server: Apigee LB
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive

Connection time: 0.050368
Total transaction time: 0.394728

Has anyone ever seen this before? I don't have Smartdocs extend added to the site, I checked the Org configs and it is connecting to the Org.

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I am having same issue.