Set Developer Status API - developer not activated

Not applicable

I have registered a new user in the apigee dev portal. I wanted to activate this user using the API

The response returned as 201 No Content which is the success. But the user status remains blocked. Any reason behind this?

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Not applicable

Hi @Gayan Shyamal

You mentioned that you have registered the developer on Apigee Dev portal, you just need to unblock the user on Dev portal itself, that will make the relevant MGMT ( management ) api call to unblock the developer on edge. So that you won't have to make a manual MGMT api call and not everyone will have OrgAdmin access to run MGMT Api calls.

Hi @seshi ,

The activation is done programmatically by a separate back end application. So I need to activate the developer only from the API. Cannot do manual UI operations as admin.

Hi @Gayan Shyamal,

Yes..thats very valid use case to active/inactive 'te the developer from a different application. As the response 204 No content says, it was successful call.

There seems to be an EDGE UI bug which is not showing the right status, where as the actual backend is reflected with the right value.

MGMT API call, GET /developer/ will show the response as "status": "inactive"

Hi @Gayan Shyamal when you create a user in dev portal there are two entries created.

One is as a developer which is visible in Edge UI.

And second is as a user in the drupal based dev portal's own database.

The later one is associated with the developer's username:password to login to the dev portal. The actual user credentials and the roles of the users are not created in the developer entity created in Edge.

So if you need to change the user's role or change the status (Active,Blocked etc.) that you will need to do from the dev portal itself and not via the management API call.

I am not exactly sure about the intent of the above mentioned API but my guess is as follows:

We have customers who use their own dev portal OR create developer accounts directly in Edge without using any dev portal at all. The above API will be helpful in those scenarios.