Sending Apigee logs to multiple syslog hosts

Is it possible to load-balance the hosts specified on message-logging when forwarding logs to syslog for high availability in the logging system. This could involve including multiple hosts on the syslog.

<MessageLogging async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="ML-LogPolicyRequest">
            time={system.time.year}-{system.time.month}-{} {system.time.hour}:{system.time.minute}:{system.time.second} | request_verb={request.verb} | requestId={requestId} | response_status_code={response.status.code} | error_status_code={error.status.code} | error_message={error.message} | client_host={proxy.client.ip} | apiproxy_name={} | apigee_apiproduct_name={} 
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I think the recommended way to do HA syslog is to insert a virtual IP or load balancer between the logging client and the syslog server clones.  That way you can have as many servers as you need.  No special configuration required in Apigee - just point the MessageLogging policy to your load balanced syslog endpoint. 

hello @dchiesa1 

Apigee syslog logging client does not support load balancing. Threads are maintained for long durations which prevents load balancer to distribute the traffic. This is much needed feature since long time.
