Run a polling job in Apigee?

I have a requirement to run a long-running thread that will subscribe to a jms queue and do some action when message available - like a MDB style proxy

Can i use either java or node to run this in Apigee?

If so, any recommended methods for java?, like

> start a new thread during callout instantiation?

> use executioncontext.submit()?

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I don't think there is a way to directly implement a MDB style proxy. Although, I'm tempted to try and deploy a spring.jms message listener and see what happens.

If we can't get that working, the other idea is to use the node-scheduler npm. Have the scheduler send a http request to a second API proxy. This can trigger the second proxy to read message available messages from the queue.

this is interesting, let me try

My concern is more what the process does. There may be one to many of them. Do you need to coordinate them? If so I think that's the area of concern.

good point carlos - If you decide to run something like this in apigee - you will basically lose control over where its run [atleast partially] and how many instances are run and should also take into account that co-ordination among the instances is not possible

I'd stay away from that. I agree with Carlos. Managing concurrency is the real challenge. Even more so, if the order of the messages matters.

For managing data pipelines and scheduling jobs, there are a few options out there. We're using some of these.

@Ben Tallman - In case you want to chime in.

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Order: If order matters, you can only use a single queue and a single thread to consume it. I wouldn't want to design any application like that (with or without Apigee). Messages are timestamped. I would try to use that property to know which message was sent when.

Concurrency: If spring.jms is used, then you can define connection pool settings in the spring configuration file. I have not tried this for a message listener in Apigee. The node.js method uses batched process (hence the scheduler). At the time the scheduler is invoked, you read all available messages from the queue.

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We run many scheduled jobs at Apigee, some of which follow this pattern:

Expose an endpoint, a Edge nodejs proxy which:

  1. Recieves a batch of items from a queue service, a db query, etc OR from the request package directly
  2. Processes the new items received
  3. Reports status out

We call this from a scheduler (Apache Airflow, Cron or Azkaban), or directly from a webhook (SFDC, Gighub, etc), or from a command line (curl, etc)

A few things to consider are the batch memory and runtime length requirements. Our proxies are better solutions for requirements that are quick, atomic and idempotent.

This is essentially a server-less batch processing or integration pattern.