Roadmap to have GIT/Source code management feature in apigee

Hi, We have heard that apigee will have some kind of source code control feature(e.g. GIThub) integrated into EdgeUI in future. Is this true? and Is there a timeline for this?

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We're looking at something like that. We haven't committed to deliver a feature like that.

Can you elaborate on specifically what you would like to see? Provide as much detail as you can.

Thank @Dino for your reply. We don't have a speefic requirement so far. In our organization

1. We are using apigee private cloud

2. No dedicated team to build API in apigee. All teams within our company are supposed to create their own APIs and publish them in apigee platform.

3. CI/CD process are available but the thing is when a new team come to deploy their API, we have to teach them to use the CI/CD script to deploy their API into apigee.

And of course, CI/CD does integrate with our firm internal Github so the api proxy code can be pushed and be managed by github

We have to force API developer to use CI/CD process in order to leverage Github to do source control. And if we do so, it may cause inconsistency for the code between Git and the code on EdgeUI.

We would like to see for any new api developer, they can manage their code directly in EdgeUI

They can do push/pull proxy code into GIT on EdgeUI so no matter which method API developer use to deploy code, it can always have the latest code pulled from Github.


1. API developers don't need to rely on CI/CD to publish their API. Not all developers want to learn that.

2. Better control for the source code: no matter where the source code is changed, the same change could apply to all places(CI/CD and EdgeUI)


Not applicable

Having a direct push to git / deploy from git functionality would definitely save on generating CI/CD pipelines. A proxy developer should only have to worry about doing a commit/push to git from the UI.

Currently, we have to have the developer work in Edge UI, download the proxy as a zip, extract to a git repo, merge (if making an edit), commit, then push to a remote repository.

This works fine when all development is done completely in a127, but no longer works now that Apigee is pushing dev's to use the pre-made policies and the Edge UI.

Any update on this?