Rest Calls for curl commands to publish swagger documentation on Developer Portal

I got these three below curl commands on github to create a model,import and publish json on devloperportal.

a)curl -X POST -u username:pass -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "description=Sample Kronos Model" -F "name=sample" -F "display_name=sample" -F "version=1.0" "http://portal.loc/smartdocs/apis/models"

b)curl -X POST -u username:pass -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" -F "api_definition=@json" "http://portal.loc/smartdocs/apis/models/sample/import"

c)curl -X POST -u username:pass "http://portal.loc/smartdocs/apis/models/sample/render".

While running these commands through postman,they are not working.

Is there corresponding restcalls to create model,import and publish swagger json on developer portal.

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they are not working.

Can you elaborate? What do you see? Is the hostname resolving? What result do you get?

Is there corresponding restcalls to create model,import and publish swagger json on developer portal.

I think the calls you seek are the ones you are using. I don't understand what you're asking. "Is there corresponding rest calls..." ? What does that mean? Maybe you can ask in a different way.

Did you perform the setup of the smartdocs_service module? The github repo says:

download the module dependencies and place them in the sites/all/modules/contrib folder.

Have you done this? Please attach a screenshot of the drupal admin module panel, showing this module installed and enabled.