Response compression in proxy

New Member


We would like to use apigee to compress responses.

I already found out that if application returns compressed response it is decompressed by apigee and compressed again before it is sent to client. By using this feature we can set Content-Encoding header in response post flow and force apigee to compress it.

My question is can we safely rely and use this feature?

If yes, we will still need to write script to decide if response needs to be compressed and client supports it. Maybe apigee could help with this ?

0 1 572

Hi Andrius,

By default, Apigee Edge forwards requests to the target using the same compression type as the client request. If the request is received from client using, for example, gzip compression, then Apigee Edge forwards the request to target using gzip compression. If the response received from target uses deflate, then Apigee Edge forwards the response to the client using deflate. Supported values are:

  • gzip: always send message using gzip compression
  • deflate: always send message using deflate compression
  • none: always send message without any compression

To answer your question, yes it is safe to use this

