Request body details are getting lost.

Hello, I am sending a post request via apigee proxy using postman.

API is creating a blank record, Do I need to pass anything in the payload?


below is my trace where I see my request details


0 4 604

With the description you have provided, I cannot understand the problem.

"API is creating a blank record"... is not helpful. "Do I need to pass anything?" ==> I have no idea how to answer that.

regarding the circled thing in your screenshot of Trace - #1, it looks like that shot corresponds to an ExtractVariables policy. Beyond that, don't know what to make of it. #2, you haven't specified whether you think that payload is good or bad, or if it is what you are expecting to see or not. Also why is the payload in particular interesting in that shot?

You're going to need to explain more clearly:

1- what you are doing, in detail. "I am sending a post request via apigee proxy using postman." is not sufficient. What tool is invoking what endpoint? Where is that endpoint? And if there is an API proxy involved, what does it point to? What is the request , EXACTLY. And so on .

2- the result you expect to see. In detail.

3- the results you actually see. In detail. And maybe as a bonus, an explanation in English as to how these results differ from your expectations.

Thank you for your valuable suggestions, specially the bonus comment.

With the limited information that you have provided the best guess, I can make is you are setting empty payload in your AssignMessage policy. Can you modify the AssignMesage policy by removing <Payload contentTy="application/json" />?

I was able to solve my issue by passing {request.content} in the </payload> like below

<Payload contentType="application/json">{request.content}</Payload>