Regular expression protection - finding threat in query params(dynamic)

Today I have faced the issue in RE-threat protection policy is there any way to check in the url contains any threat.

Java code:

String line = "abc?xyz=delet&mno=exec&aabb=sadfas";
String pattern = "[s]*(?i)((delete)|(exec)|(drop s*table)|(insert)|(shutdown)|(update)|(\bor\b))";

Like same above tried to achieve in proxy but I am not able to and it is not raising any exception also.

message.querystring or request.querystring.

<QueryParam name="message.querystring">

How can I achieve it in dynamic query string?


Kumar P.

1 1 1,271


The Regular Expression Protection policy is pretty flexible. As you can see in the documentation page for this policy, there are a variety of ways to select which thing you would like to analyze with the Regex:

  • URIPath
  • QueryParam
  • FormParam
  • Header
  • XMLPayload
  • JSONPayload
  • Variable

You have configured it to analyze a particular query parameter, because you've used the QueryParam element. And the query param in particular is the one with the name "message.querystring". I think this is probably not what you intend.

Instead, I suspect you want to analyze the entire querystring, not a particular query param.

To do that, use Variable, and specify 'request.uri'. According to the doc on context variables, the request.uri variable contains the proxy base path + the remainder of the address, including query parameters. The configuration of the policy looks like this:

<RegularExpressionProtection name="RegularExpressionProtection-1">
  <!-- request.uri is the path (incl proxy base path) query parameters -->
  <Variable name="request.uri">

I just tried this with a request, and it worked.

$ curl -i ''
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2017 17:36:41 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 312
Connection: keep-alive

    "fault": {
        "faultstring": "Regular Expression Threat Detected in RegularExpressionProtection-1: regex: [\s]*(?i)((delete)|(exec)|(drop\s*table)|(insert)|(shutdown)|(update)|(\bor\b)) input: /regex-protect-uri/abc?xyz=delet&mno=exec&aabb=sadfas",
        "detail": {
            "errorcode": "steps.regexprotection.ThreatDetected"

You'd probably want to handle that with a FaultRule, to suppress all that information. But it's working as expected I think.