Receiving 401 un authorized while setting up coursera lab environment

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Receiving 401 unauthorized while setting up the lab environment in coursera . I tried changing my password and tried again , but no luck , Could you please help with the same .



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Assuming this is while running the node setup step, please double check you're using your complete username. Also, some special characters are not compatible with the script if used in your password.

Thank you dane , yes it is while running the node setup , I am using @ in my password , do you know what are the special chars which works with this script



I'm not aware of that character causing issues.

Have you been able to create a basic proxy in your organization through the UI?

I am able to create a basic proxy and deploy it from edge ui without any issues , only issue is when I use the node setup

Seems there is an issue with my account , nothing to do with the script , it worked after resetting the password