Quota Policy

How to apply the quota for specific hours like 12 to 6 everyday and after it will work using normal quota using the quota policy

0 1 76

The time-of-day is available as a context variable. 

I answered a very similar question here last year. I think you'll find what you need there.

Basically what you want looks like this: 

  <!-- Condition evaluates true between 8 am and 6pm UTC -->
  <Condition>(system.time.hour >= 😎 AND (system.time.hour < 18)</Condition>
  <!-- Condition evaluates false between 8 am and 6pm UTC -->
  <Condition>NOT ((system.time.hour >= 😎 AND (system.time.hour < 18))</Condition>

If you want the conditions to apply to a specific timezone, you will have to apply the timeshift in the hardcoded hour values in those condition statements.