Query Parameter Rename

Hi @Dino-at-Google, @Dino

Concern: We are having only one resource path "/sample" with three different query parameters. Now before sending the request to the backend, the query parameter name must be updated.

Apigee Endpoint: <APG-Host_name>/v1/sample?size=10

Target Endpoint: <Target-Host_name>/v1/sample?teamSize=10 (Format backend is accepting)

Apigee Endpoint: <APG-Host_name>/v1/sample?height=14

Target Endpoint: <Target-Host_name>/v1/sample?teamHeight=14 (Format backend is accepting)

Apigee Endpoint: <APG-Host_name>/v1/sample?len=15

Target Endpoint: <Target-Host_name>/v1/sample?width=15 (Format backend is accepting)

Here we are mapping as shown below:

size == teamSize

height == teamHeight

len == width

What is the better approach to solve this? (waiting for the solution)

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Hi Ashwith,

there are two easy options that I can think of.

1. Use AssignMessage for assign the new query parameters and then remove the same.

            <QueryParam  name="teamSize">{request.queryparam.size}</QueryParam>
            <QueryParam  name="teamHeight">{request.queryparam.height}</QueryParam>
            <QueryParam  name="width">{request.queryparam.len}</QueryParam>
            <QueryParam  name="size"/>
            <QueryParam  name="height"/>
            <QueryParam  name="len"/>

With this approach you will not get opportunity for doing conditional check for not sending the only one parameter at a time. you will send empty parameters as well.

2. Using Java Script policy

 context.setVariable("target.copy.queryparams", false);
    context.setVariable("request.queryparam.teamsize", context.getVariable("request.queryparam.size"));
    context.setVariable("request.queryparam.teamheight", context.getVariable("request.queryparam.height"));
    context.setVariable("request.queryparam.width", context.getVariable("request.queryparam.len"));

With this you will send the parameters if you have it.

Based on your requirement you can choose.


G Ramya