Publishing SOAP pass through on Developer Portal Docs

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@Anil Sagar

I have a situation here: I have SOAP pass through service via apigee to backend SOAP service.

1. How do we publish the SOAP wsdl documention onto dev-portal?

2. I do know that apigee generates wsdl on the pass-through proxy but still this will not have all inline schema definitions that are actually referenced in the wsdl definitions.

What are the ways and means to publish the wsdl and which one do we publish the backend wsdl or proxy wsdl?



API Architect.

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Hi @Anil Sagar did you already got this question answered/figured out?

Sorry this is an old question we only now are answering. Somehow we missed i.

The way to publish the SOAP WSDL on the dev portal is... to just publish the WSDL on the devportal.

Just make it downloadable. If you want, you could flatten the WSDL (to collapse all referenced schema) using various tools before publishing it. Or you could publish the WSDL in its original form. In this case the WSDL is just an XML document, and you can publish it like any other text file. Here is a module I found that helps with serving plain files.

alternatively, you may want to make the WSDL browseable, styled in the page. In that case you will probably need a new node type.

You said that "Apigee generates WSDL on the pass-through proxy" - this is not actually true. Apigee Edge, when acting as a pass-through, does not generate WSDL. The WSDL used by the backend service is .. the WSDL. Apigee doesn't affect that, EXCEPT for the binding - the endpoint that clients must use to contact the service.

Good luck!

@Anil Sagar - you my have something to add.