​Proxy revision issue on rollback using Maven plugin

Not applicable

Use case: Roll back revision2 to have revision1 code running in the env. Issue: Updating a proxy after undeploying revision 2 leads to proxy deployment to revision 3 instead of revision1.

I have a proxy with revision 2 running in my env. To roll back this code, undeployed the revision2 ( using maven with -Doption=”clean”) which left revision1 in an undeployed the state. Code in the env has been replaced with revision1 code manually and then code is deployed (-Doption=”update”). This resulted in revision 3 being deployed instead of deploying/running revision1.

mvn apigee-enterprise:deploy -Ptest -Dusername=test@xxx.com -Dpassword=xxxx -Doptions=update -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxy.xxxx.com -Dhttps.proxyPort=XXX -Dhttps.proxyUser -DhttpsproxyPassword=xxxxx.

0 1 183

If you know and want to jump back to a specific previous revision already available in Edge you can use the management API directly to deploy the revision.

The plugin cannot determine that revision 1 was indeed the release to go back to. Imagine if you were in revision 25 and wanted to go back to 18. Without explicit tracking of revision to release mapping the approach the plugin takes is to upload and deploy a bundle even if it is already available in Edge.

This may not be the cleanest way but one can rely on the plugin to have the bundle you wanted deployed in the environment.