On-premise VHost port


We are running our apigee on premise. When we create vhost, we found we can only use port 9001. It would fail if we use other ports.

So is something that we MUST use port 9001 for on-premise apigee vhost?


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Hi @hanzhang

There is no restriction of ports from apigee as far as I am aware. You can use any ports and we have our client installations as long as it is opened. Apigee has specifically mentioned a OS command here to get the port opened.

$ iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 9001-j ACCEPT --verbose 

Also please make sure your Vhost update commands are proper, recently we hit with an issue that were there using </Truststore> while vhost update call, but was not giving any value since vhost was expected to 1-way TLS/SSL. But this was not letting the port to get up. When we removed that tag everything worked fine.




Thanks for your quick response. I tried above command for port 80 of the router nodes. Then I updated the Vhost to use port 80. However I still cannot make api call with that port. Then i just updated the Vhost to port 9001 again, it worked.

Any suggestions?
