OPDK: How to enable commented-out config?

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I'm trying to enable graphite metrics with a fresh All-In-One install of I'm following the steps in /opt/apigee/customer/README.md but this particular configuration line is commented out meaning that after I follow the 4 steps and restart the MP, the result is:

$ grep graphite.host /opt/apigee/edge-message-processor/conf/metrics.properties
# graphite.host=localhost

(My setting of "localhost" is there, but the value is still commented out).

Should I be updating the source file (e.g.,

/opt/apigee/edge-message-processor/source/conf/metrics.properties) ? That looks like it would work but I worry that it would not work well when upgrading

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I believe you should not be updating that file. v4.16.05 included a tokenization approach that allows you to override the configuration settings in the Apigee Edge "source" files by specifying your own custom configuration in a "customer" directory. This approach goes by the moniker "Code with Config" (don't blame me for that name, which I find confusing). The README for CWC says, in part:

Code with config is a key/value lookup tool based on properties and environment variables for Edge configuration data. Allows Edge components to define default values that are shipped with the code, the installation team to override those values based on the installation topology and allows customers to override any information such as LDAP password and sometimes config parameters such as timeouts. This allows three separate constituents to manage properties independent of each other making it secure and easy to upgrade/downgrade the application without worrying about stepping on each other.

Find more information in the file /opt/apigee/customer/README.md

I don't know specifically about graphite, but ... this config override approach is general throughput Apigee Edge. It works for everything in Apigee Edge. Just the other day I used it to override some Postgres configuration settings. I suspect it will also work for graphite.

The README you specify is exactly what I was following.

The problem specifically seems to be that these properties are commented out. My changes to "customer" directory result in an updated property (good), but it's still commented out (because the source file has it commented out)

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To add a configuration value that is currently commented out, follow the steps at http://docs.apigee.com/private-cloud/latest/how-configure-edge#settingatokenthatiscurrentlycommented...

Brilliant! Thanks Paul!

Thanks @Paul Mibus- that worked

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