Not able install google datastore through manage node packages modules,Not able to install "@google-cloud/datastore": "^1.1.0" in node container

Not applicable

I am trying to install "@google-cloud/datastore": "^1.1.0" through manage node packages modules API. It always gives me "Internal error". But I am able to install "@google-cloud/storage": "^1.2.1"


Everytime I try to npm install "@google-cloud/datastore": "^1.1.0" by adding package.json. It gives an internal error has occured. But I am able to install "@google-cloud/storage": "^1.2.1"

0 4 109

Hi -

I'm not clear. Can you explain exactly what you are doing when you "try to install @google-cloud/datastore" ?

What steps are you following? What tool or command are you running? Can you share a screenshot?

Not applicable

response.pngrquest.pngpackagejson.pngHello @Dino

I created API Proxy with Node container option. After which I created new script file 'Package.json' under Node category. I added a dependency "@google-cloud/datastore":"^1.1.0".

I tried to run the npm install command from the

But I am getting internal error

Ah, I see. Thanks. I'm clear now.

And is it a reasonable workaround to use "^1.2.1" ?

Not applicable


When I try 1.2.1, I get no compatible version found.
